
Use the iFrame widget to load content from another website within Operations Hub.

Operations Hub New Layout Refer to Visuals Tab for more information on the layout of widgets in Configuration Hub.
Operations Hub Classic Layout Refer to About Widgets (Classic)

iFrame Properties

Field Name Description
Source - URL Use any of these options to provide the URL address of the website you want to load in the iFrame widget.
  • Select the Query tab to choose from queries that return an URL as output.
    Note: If the query output returns an array with multiple URLs, then the first URL value is taken into consideration.
  • Select the Global tab to choose from URL outputs available as global parameters.
  • Select the Manual tab, and enter the URL address in the text field.
  • Select the Formula tab to add a formula that returns an URL as output.
    • Select Add Formula > Add text.
    • Enter the URL address in the text field.
    • Select Done to save and add the formula to the iFrame widget.
Hide Scrollbars If selected, hides the scroll bar. The horizontal and vertical scroll bars appear only when the content in the iFrame widget extends beyond the widget's width and height.
Enable Full Width If selected, the iFrame widget occupies 100% of the width of the container. Enabling this property overrides the Width (px) set for the widget.
Width (px) If you do not select Enable Full Width, then set a width for the iFrame widget in pixels.
Height (px) Set a height for the iFrame widget in pixels.
Border Style To apply a border to the iFrame widget, select from any of the available styles, or select None for no border.
  • Solid: Applies a solid border
  • Inset: Applies a 3D inset border
  • Outset: Applies a 3D outset border
Border Width (px) Enter a value that defines the thickness of the iFrame border.
Border Color Select a color to apply to the four borders of the iFrame widget.
Hidden Select this check box if you want to hide the plug-in. To show the hidden plug-in in Operations Hub new layout, go to Page Visuals and under Action column, select for the hidden plug-in. See Page Visuals Tab.

iFrame at Runtime

  • When you print preview a webpage, it may not look like the actual web page. The print stylesheet formats the web page to print in a user-friendly format.
  • Some website URLs may not load within an iFrame due to their security policies.
  • To load YouTube videos within an iFrame, use the video’s embed URL.