
Allows to insert images in your application.

Operations Hub New Layout Refer to Visuals Tab for more information on the layout of widgets in Configuration Hub.
Operations Hub Classic Layout Refer to About Widgets (Classic)

Image Properties

Field Name Description
BEHAVIOR > Click Event You can choose from these available actions:
  • Submit: This action submits the data to the selected entity.
  • Go to page: This action leads to the specified page within the application.
  • Go to previous page: Use this action to navigate between historical entries created for the current application session. If there is no previous history, then the plugin remains idle.
  • Go to next page: Use this action to navigate between historical entries created for the current application session. In the absence of next session entries, the plugin remains idle.
  • URL: This action leads to the specified (external) URL.
  • Set global value: This action enables the data to be available globally.
  • Show Component: This action displays a hidden component in the end app.
  • Hide Component: This action hides a component.
  • Toggle Show/Hide: This action allows to switch between hidden and shown views of a component.
Source > Input Value Provide the input data source to receive values for the image.
Note: This property applies only when you select Data as the image source.
Image Source Use these options to set a background image for the widget.
Type: Select from these image types:
  • Data: When you select this option, specify the input data source.
    Note: If you want to use a global variable as the data source, make sure the variable value points to an image URL. For example, https://<machine-name>/custom/images/myimage.png
  • File: Browse and select the file you want to use.
  • URL: Allows to retrieve an image from a URL. Provide the source image URL. For example, you can also upload your image to any third party (such as imgur), and get its URL.
    Note: Applies to importing applications from an older version of Operations Hub Classic to Operations Hub 2023.

    When you import an App to v2023, the Image plug-in’s Image Source > Type is altered in the new system.

    To rectify in the imported App, go to the Designer and select the Image plug-in to access its properties. Change the Type back to the originally set type. The original source information (if exists) is retrieved.

Image Fit: Determines how the image fits into its container, whether to align horizontal (or) vertical.

Image Height Enter the height in pixels.
Hidden Select this check box if you want to hide the plug-in. To show the hidden plug-in in Operations Hub new layout, go to Page Visuals and under Action column, select for the hidden plug-in. See Page Visuals Tab.