DateTime Range Picker

Use preset date ranges or create your own custom ranges for the calendar.

Operations Hub New Layout Refer to Visuals Tab for more information on the layout of widgets in Configuration Hub.
Operations Hub Classic Layout Refer to About Widgets (Classic)

DateTime Range Picker Properties

Field Name Description
Label Enter a label name for the datetime range picker.
Default Duration This is the default date range set for the widget.
Preset Ranges These are pre-defined datetime ranges. Select the check box of the range to add to your calendar.
Auto update at startup Select the check box to allow the datetime range picker to automatically update the value of an input element it's attached to at initialization and when the selected dates change.
Note: Selecting the auto-update option disables datetime selection in the calendar.
Custom Ranges Create one or many customized datetime ranges to add to the calendar.
Write datetimes to targets at startup If the check box is selected:
  • At runtime when you open the app, it automatically displays data based on the default date range.
If the check box is blank:
  • At runtime when you open the app, initially no data is displayed.
  • To display data, manually select a date range using the date picker.
  • Once you choose a date range, the data is fetched and displayed accordingly.
Data Targets Configure one or more target outputs to receive values from the widget.
Note: For Historian queries, format data target values as StartLocalISO and EndLocalISO for Start Time and Stop Time respectively.
Data Sources Configure one or more data sources to get values for the widget.
Show Scroll Buttons Select the check box to allow scrolling through the dates.

Datetime Range Picker at Runtime