Value Display

Use this widget to display any type of data value.

Operations Hub New Layout Refer to Visuals Tab for more information on the layout of widgets in Configuration Hub.
Operations Hub Classic Layout Refer to About Widgets (Classic)

Value Display Properties

Field Name Description
Title Enter a title for the widget, which is displayed at runtime.
Engineering Unit Enter the engineering unit of measurement for the values, which is displayed at runtime.
Height Set a height for the value display widget in pixels.
Width Set a width for the value display widget in pixels.
Padding Enter a value that defines the space between the content and the widget's borders.
Background Configuration
  1. Options:
    • Select Transparent to apply a transparent background for the widget.
    • Select Color to apply a colored background for the widget.
  2. Color: If you opted for a colored background, specify a color for the background.
Border Configuration
  • Width: 0 implies that the widget has no border. 1 implies that the widget has a border. With every increasing value, the thickness of the widget's border is determined.
  • Radius: 0 implies that the widget has no round corners. 1 implies that the widget has a round corner. With every increasing value, the curve at the corners are determined.
  • Color: Applies a color to the widget's border.
Font Size Enter a font size for the widget's Title and Current value and EGU.
Font Color Select a font color for the widget's Title and Current value and EGU.
Font Style Select a font style for Title and Current value and EGU, whether normal, bold, or italic.
Rotate Allows to rotate the widget based on the selected degree of rotation.
  • Text: Allows to align the text left, right, or center within the widget.
  • Horizontal: Allows to align the widget left, right, or center within its container.
  • Vertical: Allows to align the text either at the top, middle, or bottom of the widget.
State Configuration You can configure how the widget should appear whenever there is a change in its status. Use any of these options:
  • Select the Query tab to specify a query, which returns output values that indicate the status change. The query should include these output fields - value, operator, textColor, borderColor, background, backgroundColor, and blinking.
  • Select the Global tab to choose from values that are available as global parameters.
  • Select the Manual tab, and enter the values for all fields in the text field. However, if you are manually entering values, then it is recommended to use the Manual State property.
  • Select the Formula tab to add a formula that returns output values to indicate the status change.
    • Select Add Formula > Add text.
    • Enter the values for all fields in the text field.
    • Select Done to save and add the formula to the value display widget.
Example: For Global, Manual, and Formula, you can paste the following sample code in the text field:
      "value": "130000",
      "operator": ">=",
      "textColor": "red",
      "borderColor": "green",   
      "background": "color",
      "backgroundColor": "blue",
      "blinking": true
Manual State You can manually configure each field (instead of applying a query) how the widget should appear on reaching a specified value. Select +Add Item and provide these field values that help to indicate the change:
  • Enter a threshold Value, and select an Operator for comparison. For example, consider the value is 100 and operator is =. It means that when the widget value is equal to 100, the following changes apply to the widget.
  • Selected Text Color and Border Color are applied.
  • Background, if not transparent applies the selected Background Color.
  • If selected, applies Blinking animation on the widget when the value is equal to 100.
You can configure several manual states using +Add Item.
  • Use and to reorder manual states.
  • Select to delete a configured manual state.
Value Configuration You can configure the values on how they should appear at runtime.

Select a Format for the value, whether the value should be a number or string.

  • If value is a number, specify the Number of decimals for the value. If value is a string, decimals do not apply.
Number Format
  • Use Raw Format: Select the check box to display numbers in raw format. For example, a numeric value with 5 or more decimal places is shown as it is, and not rounded off.
  • Number of decimals: This option appears if you do not want to display numbers in raw format.

    In that case, enter the decimal places (0-7) to consider after the decimal point to format large numbers. Based on the decimals, the value is rounded off to the nearest whole number.

Value Use any of these options to provide data source values for the widget.
  • Select the Query tab to choose from queries that return data source values as output.
  • Select the Global tab to choose values that are available as global parameters.
  • Select the Manual tab, and enter the value in the text field.
  • Select the Formula tab to add a formula that returns data source values as output.
Historian REST Options > Result Set Index This property is applicable for Historian REST queries only. It allows to define which index of the result set the widget should use as input data. Default is 0.

For example, consider a Historian REST query that returns data for three tags.

  • If you want the widget to use the first tag data from the query result set, then set the index value as 0.
  • To direct the widget to use the second tag data, enter the index value as 1.
  • Similarly, you can set index values as 2, 3, 4, etc. based on the data to provide as input to the widget.
Historian REST Options > Reverse Sorting Order This property is applicable for Historian REST queries only. It helps to reverse the query result set.

Select the check box to provide the bottom record value as input to the widget.

Clear the check box to provide the top record value as input to the widget.

When you apply this property to REST queries that return more than one record for each input tag, the records of the selected tag (use Result Set Index to select the tag) are reversed.

For example, consider a Historian REST query with two input tags (tag1 and tag2); each with 100 records as result. Set the Result Set Index as 0 and verify the following:

  • If you selected the Reverse Order check box, then the 100th record (last) value of tag1 is displayed on the value display.
  • If you cleared the Reverse Order check box, then the first record value of tag1 is displayed on the value display.
Hidden Select this check box if you want to hide the plug-in. To show the hidden plug-in in Operations Hub new layout, go to Page Visuals and under Action column, select for the hidden plug-in. See Page Visuals Tab.