Create Users

This topic describes how to create new users in Proficy Authentication.

Before you begin

Log in to Configuration Hub as an administrator.


  1. Go to Proficy Authentication > Security > Users.
  2. Select

    The Add User screen appears.

  3. Enter the following details for the new user account.
    Field Description
    User Name The user name to log in to Proficy Authentication.
    Password The password to log in to Proficy Authentication.
    Confirm Password Enter the password again for confirmation.
    Email User's email address.
  4. Select Add.
    The user is created and added to the list of user accounts on the Users tab.


The new user is associated to default Proficy Authentication groups. These default groups cannot be deleted or modified:,, cloud_controller.write,, oauth.approvals, openid, password.write, profile, roles,, scim.userids, uaa.offline_token, uaa.user, user_attributes.

Every user/client must possess the following three scopes to access the Security plug-in via Configuration Hub. If these scopes are not added, then a warning message alerts the user to contact Admin.

Scope Description
uaa.admin This scope indicates that this is a superuser.
clients.write This scope resets the Security plug-in's admin client secret.
password.write This admin scope enables to change the user password.
Note: This scope is assigned to all the UAA/LDAP/SAML users by default without the need to assign manually.

Default ch_admin has all the three scopes.

What to do next

For user accounts originating from LDAP or SAML, refer to Add LDAP/SAML Users.