Steps to Configure Configuration Hub
After you configure IGS and Historian, use the following steps to set up Configuration Hub so you can easilly add test tags to the iFIX database. Be sure that you restarted the iFIX WorkSpace after the last set of steps, then you can proceed to:
Enable Security in iFIX
To enable security in iFIX, follow these steps:
From the iFIX WorkSpace ribbon, on the Applications tab, in the System & Security group, click Security, and then click Security Configuration Utility.
The Security Configuration application appears.
- On the Edit menu, click Configuration. The Configuration dialog box appears.
- Select Enabled.
Click OK. You will notice the padlock on screen displays as locked.
On the File Menu, select Exit. You will be prompted to save the security changes.
Click Yes. A message appears requesting that you login.
- Click OK. The Login dialog box appears.
Enter the default user name and password (admin/admin) for iFIX .
Note: You will want to change this password at a later date after you determine your security strategy. -
Click Login. After a successful login, two more message boxes appear.
Click OK.
Register Configuration Hub
To register iFIX with Configuration Hub:
- Use the desktop icon to run the Node Manager Configuration utility
with Administrator privileges. The Node Manager Configuration dialog appears.
- In the Proficy Authentication field, enter the Host Name of the Proficy Authentication server. Edit the value in the Port field if necessary. Enter the Client ID and Client Secret.
- Click the certificate icon
to trust the certificate.
- Click Configure.
- Log into Configuration Hub to add the Node Manager.
- Expand the Administration menu in the Navigation pane.
- Click Node Manager. The Node Manager-Administration pane will open.
- Click the Add Node Manager icon
in the Node Manager-Administration pane. The Add Node Manager dialog will appear.
- Enter the Host Name, Display Name and Port.
- Click the Not Trusted link beside the certificate icon. The Certificate Details dialog will appear.
- Click Trust.
- Click Add. The iFIX plug-in will appear under the node manager, but not in the
navigation panel.
- Click
to open the Register Plug-in Dialog.
- Click Register. The iFIX plug-in will now appear in the navigation panel. Refresh
the browser.
Verify Group Membership for the Default Proficy Authentication User
You must use a Proficy Authentication user to login to Configuration Hub. You will need to configure group membership on this user. The default user is ch_admin and the default password is your client secret entered at install.
- From the iFIX WorkSpace, click the Applications tab, and then
Configuration Hub.
The Chrome browser should open with the Welcome screen displayed, as shown in the following figure.
- For the user name, enter
and then the password you entered for the client secret for the Proficy Authentication user when you installed the Common Components with the integrated Proficy installer. - Click Sign in. Configuration Hub appears.
In the Navigation pane, click Security and then click Users to view the ch_admin user.
- For the selected ch_admin user, in the Details pane, click the Group Membership
- To allow for access to Configuration Hub, be sure that the ch_admin user is a member of
the following groups:
- scada.ifix_shared.IFIX_PROFICY_AUTH_ADMIN
- scada.project.admin
Note: Logged-in users cannot change their group memberships. If the ch_admin user needs to be added to any of these groups, another administrative user must be used to make the change(s). - Optionally, you can apply or revoke other group memberships.
- Click Apply.
- Close and restart your web browser.