Troubleshooting Configuration Hub

This topic contains solutions/workarounds to some of the common issues encountered with Configuration Hub. This list is not comprehensive. If the issue you are facing is not listed on this page, refer to Troubleshooting Web-based Clients and Troubleshooting the Historian Server.

Unable to Access Configuration Hub After Upgrading Web-based Clients

Workaround: Clear your browser cache.

Even after installing Web-based Clients, you cannot access Configuration Hub.

Workaround: Start the Proficy Operations Hub Httpd Reverse Proxy and the Data Archiver services.

Unable to Access External Configuration Hub if Public Https Port is Different

Issue: During Web-based Clients installation, if you provide an existing Proficy Authentication and Configuration Hub details, and if the public https port numbers of these two machines do not match, you cannot access the external Configuration Hub from the current machine.

For example, suppose you have installed Web-based Clients on machine A, which points to the Proficy Authentication and Configuration Hub installed on machine B. If the public https port numbers of machines A and B do not match, you cannot access Configuration Hub of machine B from machine A (although you can access it locally from machine B).

Workaround: Perform the following steps on the machine on which you have installed Configuration Hub (machine B):
  1. Access the following folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\GE\ConfigurationHub\Web\conf\confighub
  2. Access the file that contains the details of the machine from which you want to access external Configuration Hub (machine A). The file name begins with the host name of machine A.
  3. In the line that contains the details of the Proficy Authentication server (for example, proxy_pass, change the port number to match the public https port number of machine B.
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Restart the following services:
    • ConfigHubContainerService
    • ConfigHubNGINXService
    • ConfigHubStorageService

Error Occurs When Historian Plugin is Registered with an External Configuration Hub

Description: If you install Configuration Hub using iFIX, then install Web-based Clients on another machine with local Proficy Authentication, and then register the Historian plugin with Configuration Hub, testing the connection to Configuration Hub fails. Even after you add the IP addresses of both the machines to the hosts file, the issue is not resolved.

Error Message: Error while getting token in ConfigAuth App

Workaround: Register the Historian plugin on the machine on which you have installed Web-based Clients, install the Proficy Authentication certificate, and then restart the browser.

Cannot Access the Collectors Section or Add a Collector Instance

Possible Cause: User credentials not provided while installing collectors or Remote Collector Manager:

If installing collectors and the Historian server on the same machine, the collectors installer does not mandate the entry of username and password because it not required for Remote Collector Management Agent to connect to a local Historian server. But if Historian security or strict authentication is enabled, it is mandatory to enter the username and password.

  • Option 1: Disable the strict collector authentication using Historian Administrator, and then restart the Historian Remote Collector Management Agent service.
  • Option 2: Reinstall Remote Management Agents, providing the user credentials.

Cannot Access or Add a System in Configuration Hub

Possible Causes:
  • User does not have security privileges: During installation of the Historian server, if you have allowed the installer to create security groups, you must create a user with the name in the following format: <Proficy Authentication host name>.admin. Verify that this user has been created and added to the ihSecurityAdmins group.
    If the Proficy Authentication server hostname is long, resulting in a username longer than 20 characters, Windows does not allow you to create the user. In that case, you can create a Proficy Authentication user, and then create the corresponding Windows user, using the Proficy Authentication Configuration utility:
    1. Access the Proficy Authentication Configuration utility. By default, it is located at C:\Program Files\GE Digital\Historian Config\uaa_config_tool.
    2. Run the following command: uaa_config_tool add_user -u <username> -p <password> -s <the client secret you provided while installing the Historian server> -c

      Example: uaa_config_tool add_user -u adminuser -p Password123 -s pwd@123 -c

  • Incorrect Proficy Authentication details: You must provide the host name of the Proficy Authentication server while installing the Historian server. In the Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Intellution, Inc.\iHistorian\SecurityProviders\OAuth2 registry path, verify that the URI value is in the following format: https://<Proficy Authentication host name>:<port number>/uaa/check_token.

    If needed, modify the value, and then restart the Data Archiver service.

Error Appears When Creating a Collector Instance

Description: When you add a collector instance, the following error message appears: The server encountered an error processing the request. Please try again. The collector instance is added successfully, but it does not appear in the Collectors section.

Possible causes: When you add a collector instance, the collector service is started and stopped so that it is connected to the Historian server. The collector then appears in the table in the Collectors section. Sometimes, however, the collector service does not respond to these commands on time, resulting in the error message. If you attempt to add the same collector instance again, a message appears, stating that it exists.

Workaround: Select Cancel, and refresh the Collectors section. If the collector instance still does not appear, access the collector machine, and start the collector manually.

Proficy Authentication and other Configuration Hub Plugins are not Visible in Configuration Hub, but Historian Plugin is Visible

Description:Consider that you used the Proficy Installer and installed common components such as Proficy Authentication and Configuration Hub. Then, you installed Historian Web components and registered Historian Plugin during the installation process. When you try to access Configuration Hub, the Historian Plugin is visible. However, the Plugins like Proficy Authentication, Administrator, and others are not visible. To resolve this issue, perform the below workaround.


  1. From your desktop, select Setup Authentication.

    The Configuration Hub Login window appears.

  2. In the bottom-right corner, select Configure Confighub Authentication.

    The Configuration Hub Administrator Credentials window appears.

  3. Enter the Configuration Hub Client ID and Secret that were created while installing Configuration Hub.
  4. Select Verify.

    On a successful verification, the Register with Proficy Authentication window appears.

  5. In SERVER NAME (FULLY QUALIFIED NAME), enter the server name in a Fully Qualified Domain (FQDN) format.
  6. In SERVER PORT, enter the Proficy Authentication Server port, by default, it is 443.
  7. Enter the Configuration Hub Client ID and Secret that were created while installing Configuration Hub.
  8. Select Register.
  9. Log in to Configuration Hub and see if the other Plugins are also displayed.

    On a successful registration, you will see all the other Plugins that were registered.