
Structure of RcoDecisionBuffer basic object


                    Id                  //Control location id of external decisions.
                    TrigTime            //Trigger time
                    Dec_Qty             //Number of decisions in buffer
                    Error               //Error message returned, if error occurred during any

//operation on RcoDecisionBuffer fails.



Following methods are available to assign values in object members:

RcoDecisionBuffer.Id= Text  //Specifies Control location id

Following methods provide functionality to retrieve values from RcoDecisionBuffer Object:

Text                  = RcoDecisionBuffer. Id          //Specifies Control location id

Date                  = RcoDecisionBuffer .TrigTime    //Specifies trigger time

Integer               = RcoDecisionBuffer. Dec_Qty     //Specifies number of decisions in buffer

RcoExtDecision =   RcoDecisionBuffer .DecArray(I)        //Returns RcoExtDecision at index I

Text                  = RcoDecisionBuffer. Error       //Error message returned by Rco if any

               //operation on RcoDecisionBuffer fails.


  • Append
  • Delete
  • DeleteAt
  • Flush
  • GetDecisions
  • Insert
  • RequestDecisions
  • SelectNextDecision


Appends a RcoExtDecision basic object in Decision buffer.


RcoDecisionBuffer.id = text  //id of control location
Integer = RcoDecisionBuffer .Append(RcoExtDecision)


RCO_SUCCESS    // = 1
RCO_WARNING    // = 0
RCO_FAILURE   //  = 2
Note: If return value is RCO_FAILURE or RCO_WARNING, the Error member of RcoDecisionBuffer will show cause of the error.


Deletes a decision from the buffer by decision name. If two or more decisions with the same name exist, then the first duplicate decision is deleted.


RcoDecisionBuffer.id = text //id of control location
Integer = RcoDecisionBuffer .Delete( Decision name /Text/)
RCO_SUCCESS     // = 1
RCO_WARNING     // = 0
RCO_FAILURE     // = 2
Note: If return value is RCO_FAILURE or RCO_WARNING, the Error member of RcoDecisionBuffer will show cause of the error.


Deletes a decision from buffer at a particular index.


RcoDecisionBuffer.id = text  //id of control location
Integer = RcoDecisionBuffer .DeleteAt( Index /Integer/)


RCO_SUCCESS     // = 1
RCO_WARNING     // = 0
RCO_FAILURE     // = 2
Note: If return value is RCO_FAILURE or RCO_WARNING, the Error member of RcoDecisionBuffer will show cause of the error.


Deletes all the decisions from decision buffer.


RcoDecisionBuffer.id = text  //id of control location
Integer = RcoDecisionBuffer . Flush ()


RCO_SUCCESS    // = 1
RCO_WARNING    // = 0
RCO_FAILURE    // = 2
Note: If return value is RCO_FAILURE or RCO_WARNING, the Error member of RcoDecisionBuffer will show cause of the error.


Gets the list of external decisions from RCO and stores them in order to populate itself with the data.


RcoDecisionBuffer.id = text //id of control location
Integer = RcoDecisionBuffer . GetDecisions ()


RCO_SUCCESS    // = 1
RCO_WARNING    // = 0
RCO_FAILURE    // = 2
Note: If return value is RCO_FAILURE or RCO_WARNING, the Error member of RcoDecisionBuffer will show cause of the error.


Inserts an RcoExtDecision basic object at a particular index; if the index is more than size of buffer object, it is inserted at the tail. If the index is less than one, it is inserted at the first location.


RcoDecisionBuffer.id = text //id of control location
Integer =  RcoDecisionBuffer .Insert(RcoExtDecision, Index /Integer/)


RCO_SUCCESS     // = 1
RCO_WARNING     // = 0
RCO_FAILURE    //  = 2
Note: If return value is RCO_FAILURE or RCO_WARNING, the Error member of RcoDecisionBuffer will show cause of the error.


Request a particular number of decisions from external process.


RcoDecisionBuffer.id = text  //id of control location
Integer = RcoDecisionBuffer . RequestDecisions (project name/external process name /Text/, Decision
          attribute /Text/, Number of decisions /Integer/)
Note: Project name and process name should be passed as single string separated by "/"; however, if the process belongs to the local project, the process name is sufficient.


RCO_SUCCESS    // = 1
RCO_WARNING    // = 0
RCO_FAILURE    // = 2
Note: If return value is RCO_FAILURE or RCO_WARNING, the Error member of RcoDecisionBuffer will show cause of the error.


Selects a (first) decision from the decision buffer and executes when configured in RCOSite). If the decision is not configured in RCOSite, then it is not get executed and an error returns. Moreover, calling this function will also remove the first decision from buffer, so next call will execute next decision. If there are no decisions left in buffer then it returns an error stating there are no decisions left. A RequestDecisions call is required to be called once decision buffer empties, to execute more decisions.


RcoDecisionBuffer.id = text //id of control location

Integer = RcoDecisionBuffer . SelectNextDecision ()


RCO_SUCCESS    // = 1
RCO_WARNING    // = 0
RCO_FAILURE    // = 2
Note: If return value is RCO_FAILURE or RCO_WARNING, the Error member of RcoDecisionBuffer will show cause of the error.