About Plant Applications REST API

Plant Applications is a unique software solution that digitizes the collective information being generated throughout your production facilities into a “virtual plant” for access where, when, and how you need it. Plant Applications provides clear insight into your production to greatly improve operational effectiveness.

Plant Applications REST interface provides capabilities to access Plant Applications remotely through web interface (https) which allows to build client applications on any operating system or browser-based client applications using the hypermedia provided by Plant Applications.

You can use Plant Applications REST API to create, manipulate, and search data in Plant Applications by sending HTTP requests to endpoints in Plant Applications.

Depending on where you send requests, you access and operate on different pieces of information, called resources. Resources include records, query results, metadata, and more.

Plant Applications REST API uses RESTful architecture to provide a straightforward and consistent interface.

This document provides links for setting up your development environment, as well as information for getting started with the Plant Applications services and their associated APIs.