What's New in Plant Applications 2022
This topic provides a list of product changes released in Plant Applications 2022.
Plant Applications Installation Changes
Tracking ID | Description |
F57623 | Supports silent mode installation and upgrade for Plant Applications Server. |
F57624 |
Supports the following:
Application-Wide Changes
Tracking ID | Description |
US481336 | All the applications in Plant Applications now have more visible column separators in the column headers of the grids, with which you can resize a grid's column as needed. |
F61710 | Displays the custom user display message that is mapped as an output parameter for a Pre or Post call. The display message is returned to the UI upon success and fail of the pre or post calls if the value is not null, blank or space(s). |
F61709 | Added Pre and Post custom calls support capability for BOM item
consumption and BOM item selection. You can set up the custom calls for both
the BOM item consumption and the BOM item selection actions in the
Configuration application’s Custom Calls
tab. Note: Pre call is not applicable for BOM item selection; only Post
call is applicable. However, both the Pre and the Post calls are
applicable for BOM item consumption. To facilitate this
enhancement, in the Configuration application’s Custom
Calls tab, in the Actions section, BOM Item
Consumption and BOM Item Selection are added. This feature
applicable to Configuration, Process Orders, Unit Operations, and Work
Queue. |
F58982 | Enhances search capabilities for manual BOM consumption. When you search
for a serial/lot during manual BOM consumption, a list of serials/lots that
match the search criteria appears, along with the number of the search
results and the quantity of the selected serial/lot to consume. If you know
the exact serial/lot, you can consume the exact serial/lot. If you do not
know the exact serial/lot, and/or if you want to consume multiple
serials/lots, you can consume multiple serial/lot. To facilitate this
enhancement, a new search button ( This feature is applicable to Process Orders, Unit Operations, and Work Queue. |
F59924 | Provides the ability to determine if a certain variable requires eSignature. |
F60758 |
Updated the Master/Slave Unit terminology to Parent/Child for the following user interfaces:
This is applicable to Plant Applications Thick Client, Thin Client, and Add-ins. |
F33750/US520021 |
In Route Editor, you can now make required operations with the same sequence number (priority) as mutually exclusive. So, in Work Queue, if any action is performed on an operation that is a part of the mutually exclusive set, by default, the other operations are mutually excluded. Whereas, in Unit Operations, you will not be able to view the operations that are excluded from the mutually exclusive set. To facilitate this enhancement, the following changes are made:
In Non Conformance, the following changes are made:
This feature is applicable to Work Queue, Unit Operations, and Non Conformance. |
F58015 |
The filter selection is now persisted for a user for the following applications:
Reset Grid to Default option is introduced in the
settings ( |
00993005 |
Enhanced performance for the following:
Tracking ID | Description |
F61196 |
Adds filtering and enhanced search capability to the Autolog form. The Autolog form provides the following enhancements:
US488394 | The Customs tab functionality is added to the Activities application. The custom tab enables you to create, modify, delete, and add input parameters. |
Web Client
Tracking ID | Description |
F46621 |
Extends Comment Service V2 to the following process applications:
There is no change in security level. The Comment Service V2 converts the old V1 window into a RichText window that allows users to:
F58015 |
Supports Persist Record Grouping functionality for the following applications across login sessions in 10% and 90% screens
Using this functionality, users can now:
Plant Applications Security
Tracking ID | Description |
F59233 | Adds a Plant Applications user name in the Proficy Authentication database when the LDAP user log into the Plant Applications Client using Operations Hub. |
F57239 | All user passwords stored in the Plant Apps database are encrypted. |
Receiving Inspection
Tracking ID | Description |
F49702 | Activates workflow for destructive testing and checks the completion of receiver. |
F61312 | Allows to update values from Common Criteria for all samples. |
F49857 |
Provides the following enhancements to the Receiving Inspection interface:
US511221 |
Now you can set Variable Alias name and display it instead of Variable name in the Receiving Inspection application. The variable alias name helps you to understand the type of variable easily. To facilitate this enhancement, the following changes are made:
F49700 |
In Receiving Inspection, we can now compose comments at the following levels:
To facilitate this enhancement, to compose comments at lot level and test
(quality variable) level, a new button ( |
US516355 |
In Non Conformance, we can now dispose a non-conformance defect that was created from Receiving Inspection. To facilitate this enhancement, in Non Conformance, the following dispositions are added:
US520027/F63169 |
In Receiving Inspection, if you optionally use an unapproved supplier status for a receiver, the receiver goes on hold. To facilitate this enhancement, the following change is made: The on hold ( |
US520028/F63169 |
In Receiving Inspection, you can now view the test history details like under which unit and line the test was created, the current value, when it was entered, who performed the test, and who verified the test. To facilitate this enhancement, the following change is made: In the Inspection Criteria section, in the column that lists all
the samples (either for a lot or a lot’s variable), a new button ( |
US520029/F63169 |
In Configuration, you can now add custom and standard tabs for Receiving Inspection. To facilitate this enhancement,
In Receiving Inspection, you can now add prefix and suffix to the samples that you create for serialized samples materials. To facilitate this enhancement, the following changes are made:
This feature is applicable to Configuration. |
US520031/F63169 |
In Receiving Inspection, while submitting inspection results, you can now select multiple serials/lots at once and update the status. Note:
To facilitate this enhancement, the following changes are made in the Inspection Results section:
Tracking ID | Description |
F60996 | Supports pre-release validation on route release before approval workflow. |
Web Reports (Classic)
Tracking ID | Description |
F59254 | Supports transferring files without using File Transfer Protocol (FTP) when the Web Report Engine is installed on the same machine as the web server. |
Process Order
Tracking ID | Description |
US512471 | We now have the ACTUAL PRODUCED QUANTITY column in the Process Order application’s Open and Closed pages, with which, you can view the actual produced quantities for a closed or an open process order, in their respective pages. |
Work Order
Tracking ID | Description |
F61139 |
Supports the following features:
F39751 | Enhances the performance for work order execution. |
F59730 |
Via the Work Order Manager web application users with permission can add serials/lots to not started work orders. Via Work Order Manager, Unit Operations or Work Queue Web applications, users with permission can add serials to started work orders that produce serialized parts. |
F59731 | When creating work orders, or adding lots to a work order, via the web applications, the lot identifiers can be auto filled with numerical or alphabetical increments based on a prefix. |
F60781 | Support for configuring routes to require manual completion of work orders when all the lots are completed. User with secure permissions can manually complete the work order via Work Order Manager application. |
Work Order Manager
Tracking ID | Description |
F57304 | Via Work Order Manager Web application, users with permission can cancel not started lots from ready or in progress work orders. |
Route Editor
Tracking ID | Description |
F33750/US520020 |
In Route Editor, you can now make required operations with the same sequence number (priority) as mutually exclusive. So, if you perform one operation, then the other operation need not be performed. To facilitate this enhancement, the following changes are made:
F50349 |
Labor planning allows you to specify the amount of time to be spent by labor (people, machines) on operations (segment, planned unit). These times are specified when you create or edit a route. Labor plans can be exported or uploaded to external schedulers (including ERPs) to inform execution planning and scheduling decisions. Labor plans are not used by execution; however, labor records created during execution might be used to compare execution against plan along multiple dimensions, including operator, line, product, and so on. |
F58518 | The Pending Approvals tab is added to the Route Editor application. This enables you to attach an approval workflow before releasing the route. Once all the approvals are completed, the route will be moved to released status. The route is moved back to the draft status if it is rejected at any level during the approval process. |
F62578 | It is possible to have mutually exclusive operations in routes. The Work Queue and Operator applications will allow the operator to clock on to one of the operations in the mutually exclusive set and will mark all the other operations in the set as "excluded". This will also be visible in the work order manager and the History tabs of the work order. |
Work Queue
Tracking ID | Description |
F58952 |
In Work Queue, we can now change the default value of 50 serial/lots for multiple selection during the following operations:
To facilitate this enhancement, to change the default value, a new property LotsToExecute is added in the following path:
After you change the value of the parameter, restart the Work Queue application. |
Tracking ID | Description |
F39714 |
A new feature, Alarms, has been added to the Plant Applications Web Client. This feature provides a detailed list of alarms that users can view and monitor. The list includes alarms that are:
Alarms are configured for the following:
Tracking ID | Description |
US513315 | When creating a waste record, you can now specify the unit for which you want the waste record to be created. To facilitate this enhancement, a UNIT box is available when you create a waste record. When you select a unit, only the events associated with the selected unit are listed in the Event box. |
BOM Editor
Tracking ID | Description |
F56963 | Ability to add BOM Family and Master BOM using Web BOM Interface. |
US511220 | We now have a validation to restrict the precision of decimal places to less than 11. While you enter a BOM formulation, BOM formulation item, and their upper and lower tolerance values, you can enter up to 10 decimal places only. To facilitate this enhancement, in the BOM Editor application, if you add a value greater than 10 decimal places in these fields, a notification message appears, stating that you have exceeded 10 decimal places. |
F56963 | Ability to add BOM Family and Master BOM using Web BOM Interface. |
US464303 | We now have a validation to restrict the precision of decimal places to less than 11. While you enter a BOM formulation, BOM formulation item, and their upper and lower tolerance values, you can enter up to 10 decimal places only. To facilitate this enhancement, in the BOM Editor application, if you add a value greater than 10 decimal places in these fields, a notification message appears, stating that you have exceeded 10 decimal places. |
Tracking ID | Description |
F57519 | We now have a new BOM section in Genealogy, with which you can view all the associated BOM items and their roll-up (cumulative) consumption history. |
F57515 | Via the Genealogy Web application, a serial/lot(s) consumed BOM items and used in lots are presented in a graphical view that supports forward and backward crawling to the generalogical view. |
My Machines
Tracking ID | Description |
F57354 |
Provides a new feature, Inclusive to the My Machines application. Using this feature, users can now:
Non Conformance
Tracking ID | Description |
F60891 | Supports additional fields such as Defect ID, Defect Summary, and so on to the NC Main page and the NC Disposition. |
F61520/US499216 |
In Receiving Inspection, we can mark both serialized and non-serialized items that belong to a lot as periodic inspection and generate samples. If the periodic inspection is delayed, but the material itself is acceptable to use, you can raise a non-conformance and release the other items that belong to the lot at risk. To facilitate this enhancement, the following are added:
Route Management
Tracking ID | Description |
F57169 |
Ability to display material custom properties and values in the Route Editor application for the following:
F46777 |
Allows users to edit properties on a route by a selecting a value from the drop-down list. Using the drop-down list, users can:
F62737 | The route web service supports exporting a route definition into JSON and XML formats. It is recommended to leverage this web service when retrieving the route definition of a released route vs. leveraging the mes.erp.outbound.message route release content. It is a known issue the definition is this message is incomplete. |
F56193 |
Allows users to define RichText custom property and edit the default value for a property of data type RichText. The RichText functionality supports the following:
Approval Cockpit
Tracking ID | Description |
F53696 |
Ability to archive or delete Workflows from the Approval cockpit. An archived Workflow:
Tracking ID | Description |
US526044 |
Ability to export and download the downtime events data in the following format:
ERP Integration
Tracking ID | Description |
F61176 |
ERP import supports editing some properties for started/in progress process orders:
When updates are made, ERP outbound messages are generated upon successful processing of the inbound change request. |
F59917 |
ERP import supports editing some properties for started/in progress work orders:
When updates are made, ERP outbound messages are generated upon successful processing of the inbound change request. |
F59745 | Added mes.erp.outbound.messages.operationCancelledEvent
that is triggered when a serial/lot is cancelled for an operation. Lots are
cancelled from operations when they are split or scrapped. |
F51303 |
Displays an ERP Outbound message that includes custom properties for the following:
The Work order create, delete, update, status change and complete outbound messages include these custom properties:
F57419 | Displays ERP Outbound message that includes all available dimensions of a produced material. For example, for a produced material of certain thickness (y) and height (z), the ERP Outbound message includes dimensional data such as DIM_Y and DIM_Z. |
F59744 | Added mes.erp.outbound.messages.operationSkippedEvent
that is triggered when a serial/lot is skipped for an operation. Lots can be
skipped manually by an operator or implicity by the operation when they
start the next operation. |
F57368 | Added support for subscription to events for inbound ERP scheduler requests. When a request is sent to ERP scheduler to import, a kafka message is generated when the import request has been processed indicating whether that import request was successful or not. ERP scheduler web service also supports query by scheduler jobs status and messages. |
F62050 | Adds the property "DispositionUpdated" to the Material Status Change message at a sublot level. Using this property, the Material Status Change can now indicate if there is an NC raised against it. |
F61177 | ERP import supports changing the status of a not started work order to cancelled. |
F56454 | The Materia Lot Import message now allows the external system such as an ERP to define the Inventory Line and Inventory Unit on which the material lot can be created. If this is not specified in the material lot import document, it will pick the Inventory Line and Inventory Unit as defined in the Property Definition application. |