
When an emergency shutdown turned one outage project into two, GE Steam Power was ready to double down and respond.

The challenge

Executing a major coal plant outage is, in and of itself, a complex undertaking that requires advanced planning and the right combination of resources. When an adjacent turbine generator unit at the same site suddenly shuts down unexpectedly, that creates an entirely new level of concern for any operator. Such was the case at a major coal facility in the eastern U.S. that asked the GE Steam Power team to both complete an ongoing planned outage within its scheduled cycle, AND initiate an emergency response at the same time to restore the downed unit to operation as quickly as possible.

The solution

With GE Steam Power’s service team already on site, the operator was given a proposed work scope, budget and schedule within 48 hours of shutdown. Given the extent of work outlined to repair the unit, the team then took things to the next level.

First, some members of the ongoing planned outage project were redeployed to start preparing the second unit for repairs. Next, additional GE Steam Power field experts were mobilized to site along with the needed tooling and other resources. Finally, acting as a true service partner, the GE Steam Power team helped identify multiple vendor repair sites that could simultaneously tackle the range of component repairs to limit the overall project timeline. 


Confidence and trust

Emergency work on the downed unit included repairs on journal bearings, oil deflectors and hydrogen seals, along with a complete oil flush. The initial proposal estimated that seven weeks would be needed to complete the job. And yet, with the team’s quick response and multi-vendor solution, the project was competed in 30 days… a full 19 days ahead of schedule, and under budget. At the same time, GE Steam Power also stayed on schedule to complete the original outage work within the planned project cycle. 

GE Steam Power’s site project manager added, “This effort was only possible because our customer demonstrated confidence and trust in us, and our team was determined to exceed expectations.” 


Great job getting our unit repaired and back online. You made things happen that didn’t seem possible! It was outstanding communication and teamwork.

Site plant manager

19 days

Emergency repairs were completed
19 days ahead of schedule and under budget.


This major gap in journal bearing clearance was part of the forced outage repair scope.

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