Addressing a changing industry

The global power industry is changing rapidly. Today’s power plants and industrial plants are required to operate in new ways that differ from their original concept. GE’s comprehensive suite of life extension/replacement solutions provide the capability and flexibility to position your plant for a successful future. Whether you need increased reliability, emissions or extended asset life, we can customize a solution to meet your commitments.

Engineering study

Make informed decisions

In order to conform to legislative regulations and evolving operational requirements that existing boilers were not originally designed for, an Engineering Study can provide you with the needed information to make an informed decision regarding technical and commercial impacts of suggested changes. GE specializes in providing Engineered Solutions that range from repair to retrofit and a study can identify appropriate solutions which specifically address your plant needs.

Our Engineered studies include but are not limited to, identifying the options for:

  • Meeting emissions requirements
  • Discovering the impacts of fuel switching or co-firing
  • Uncovering hidden performance potential
  • Meeting today’s demanding market requirements
  • Identifying fixes and limitations to extend the life of your plant
  • Also see how digital can boost the outcome you are looking for

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