
With the 20-year-old steam turbine facing potential operational issues, it was time for an Advanced Steam Path (ASP) upgrade to increase the unit’s performance.

The challenge

Hsintao Power company was in the same situation as many combined cycle plants: Their steam turbine was experiencing critical component wear and tear due to age and increasing cyclic duty. As a result, plant output and efficiency were starting to decline, and unplanned emergent work was a clear possibility.

The solution

GE provided an ASP upgrade to help the Hsintao plant achieve better steam flow, improved O&M costs, and reduced life consumption—and ultimately help keep the plant online and profitable for years to come.


Performance improvements

3- to 6-year

extension of ST-HIP internal


increase in steam turbine output


improvement in CC heat rate


We were very pleased with the implementation of GE’s ASP upgrade. From breaker open to full load return, the upgrade was performed in only 45 days. We have been able to achieve shorter startup times, resulting in less fuel consumption, improved performance, longer inspection intervals, low vibration characteristics, and reduced SPE damage to the steam turbine rotor and bucket and nozzle.

Masatoshi Inoue

President of HSINTAO Power Company

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