GT26 High Efficiency gas turbine upgrade
Compatible with any plant configuration and all GT26 gas turbines, the High Efficiency (HE) upgrade will help improve your plant’s efficiency, output and emissions for even better performance.
Work with GE
No matter how your plant operates, GE’s GT26 HE upgrade helps achieve increased baseload efficiency, greater plant output, and lower CO2 emissions. The upgrade can be tailored to help you get the most value out of your investment.
Our experience doesn’t stop with the gas turbine upgrade. GE’s experts can analyze the rest of your equipment to spot potential issues and determine how the upgrade might have an impact on other areas of your plant.
2%+ CC base load efficiency improvement
Up to 1% CC part load efficiency improvement
32,000 hours maintenance interval
Up to 25 MW output increase
5% CO2 reduction
Our HE experience
* Data as of June, 2023
Additional features
The HE upgrade was fully validated in 2021 with 6 units installed and operating commercially. The fleet leader reached B inspection in 2023, and in total, the fleet has 80,000 WOH (weighted operating hours) and about 655 starts with the upgrade.
GE bases most gas turbine maintenance requirements on independent counts of starts and hours. Whichever criteria limit is first reached determines the maintenance interval. A graphical display of GE’s “Box Concept” approach is shown here. The inspection interval recommendation is defined by the rectangle established by the starts and hours criteria. Using this Box concept, a GT26 HE unit should run 32k Weighted Operating Hours (WOH) with no maintenance factor. If operated into the “corner” of the box, the unit can achieve 44k equivalent EOH (+16k EOH vs GT26 Rating 2006 interval).
The HE upgrade can be added to any GT26 gas turbine, and the GE team will tailor the upgrade to create a balance between cost and value. The first step is a comprehensive plant feasibility study to identify any plant requirements, which includes an analysis of all your plant assets—HRSG, generator, transformer, and OTC (once-through-cooler).
The GT26 HE upgrade blends F- and H-Class technologies, delivering unmatched gas turbine reliability and availability with higher performance. The upgrade has unique technology features including advanced manufactured parts to deliver high performance and reduce cooling requirements, and 3D-Aero profile compressor configuration to provide higher baseload and part load performance.
World’s first implementation of the GT26 HE upgrade
See how GE helped Uniper deliver cleaner, more efficient power from its Enfield power plant in the UK
Teaming up for outage excellence in the UK
Get a behind the scenes look at the collaboration between GE and Uniper on an outage that included the GT26 HE upgrade and shaft line services.
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