Advanced HMI solutions with an integrated access control and authentication system

Advanced HMI solutions with an integrated access control and authentication system

In some segments (typically industrial processes) customers are defining the HMI SCADA system they want to use as standard. When this is not the case, Power Conversion will utilize the SCADA platform that is best suited to the application.

SCADA systems we deploy at Power Conversion are aligned to industry standard CIS Windows builds, meeting level IG2 and maximizing conformance to regional regulations and international standards such as NIST, NERC, IEC and STIG.

Power Conversion is aware that customers are looking to the future of virtual environments, mobile technology, HTML5, heads-up displays and ML/AI and can provide optional packages with this in mind, please contact us for more information.

General Electric

Why ensuring HMI deployed is aligned to cyber requirements?

Customers want the whole control system to meet their cyber requirements and this includes all equipment from the HMI to Controllers, including networking equipment.

Typically vendors will focus on either the controllers or HMIs, not always both due to the different authentication methods typically utilized. However, Power Conversion has developed a simple security management suite that optionally provides proxy services from a customer active directory to user access on the HMI and Controllers.

This allows existing user accounts to be used on the Windows HMI terminals, and also a centralized location for access to controllers (role based as per IEC62351-8).

This logical and physical disconnection from the enterprise active directory allows the control system to operate unaffected if the enterprise system is attacked and includes Syslog services to ensure all access is logged.

The Security management suite (SMS) is a companion to our ICSGuard that monitors all the controllers and HMIs in our systems to ensure early attacker reconnaissance is detected as per NIST SP 800-94 HIDS.

For more detail on what our HMI offers regarding cybersecurity controls, feel free to reach to us at contact us.


The Power Conversion's control systems meets the requirements of IEC62443 & ISO 2700x –peace of mind for the customers.